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Guide to circulation boosters
A circulation booster can be used to help relieve painful symptoms in your legs. Read more about what circulation boosters do and how to use one here.
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Vestibular migraine: causes and symptoms
Vestibular migraine can cause vertigo, a feeling of dizziness and imbalance. Learn about the causes and symptoms of this type of migraine and the treatments available.
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10 migraine triggers to look out for
Affected by migraines and struggling to manage the pain? Read on as we explore some of the most common triggers that can cause a migraine attack.
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How to treat a migraine
From medication to natural remedies and lifestyle changes, here's some of the best ways to head off the pain of migraines.
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Natural pain relief – 10 drug-free ways to relieve chronic pains
From acupuncture to exercise, heat therapy to electrical stimulation, here’s ten natural and drug-free ways to relieve chronic pain.
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Using a TENS machine for migraine pain
If you're looking for alternative pain relief options for migraines, then TENS therapy may be for you. Here we look at how to use a TENS machine for migraine pain.
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